CIPS Alberta is holding our Annual General Meeting on Monday May 27th at 6:00 pm MT to approve Financial Statements, AGM Minutes, and elect Board of Directors. CIPS Alberta Members who are unable to attend can submit their proxy to vote on the motions listed below.
Motions for consideration:
- Motion to Accept the Financial Statements
- Motion to Accept the AGM Minutes
- Motion to elect CIPS Alberta Board of Directors
Board of Directors Election:
CIPS Alberta Board of Directors positions will be elected by a majority vote of eligible voters at the Annual General Meeting. Directors are elected for two year terms and the Board is currently looking to fill a number of positions.
Board of Directors Nominations:
The CIPS Alberta office must receive the nominations form by Monday May 20th, 2024. Nominations can be sent by email to alberta@cips.ca.
AGM Documents:
- Access to the AGM documents has been emailed to all CIPS Alberta Members. If you did not receive them please email alberta@cips.ca.
Proxy Nomination:
If you are not able to attend the virtual AGM please submit your proxy so a vote can be counted on your behalf. If you end up being able to attend “live” your proxy will be discarded.
CIPS Alberta Member Virtual Attendance Registration / Submit Proxy:
- CIPS Alberta Member Virtual Attendance Registration
- Not Attending – Assign my Proxy to CIPS Alberta President