CIPS Alberta & DAMA Calgary Present: “AI – Handle with Care” with Dr. Peter Aiken

Date: Thurs February 27th

Presentation: 4:30 to 6:00 pm

Networking: 6:00 to 7:00 pm

Location: In-Person Only: Calgary – Bow Tower, 54 floor auditorium

Topic: AI – Handle with Care

In the era of artificial intelligence, the axiom ‘garbage in, garbage out’ has never been more relevant. Starting with AI’s original purpose, this presentation explores AI from a data management perspective. While immediately useful, it also highlights significant cautions including over promising and under delivering, technological limitations, data limitations, and ethical concerns. Understanding these will permit data management professionals (and others) to create a virtuous cycle of better data leading to more capable AI systems. The talk finishes with a response from none other than Bob Dylan.

Speaker: Dr. Peter Aiken

Peter Aiken, PhD is an acknowledged Data Management (DM) authority, an Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, President of DAMA International, and Associate Director of the MIT International Society of Chief Data Officers.

For more than 35 years, Peter has learned from working with hundreds of data management practices in 30 countries including some of the world’s most important. Among his 12 books are the first on CDOs (the case for data leadership), focusing on data monetization, on modern strategic data thinking and objectively specifying what it means to be data literate.

International recognition has resulted in an intensive schedule of events worldwide. Peter also hosts the longest running data management webinar series hosted by Dataversity.

Starting before Google, before data was big, and before data science, Peter has founded several companies that have helped more than 200 organizations leverage data–specific savings have been measured at more than $1.5B USD. His latest venture is Anything Awesome. 

Networking: 6:00 to 7:00 pm 


CIPS Alberta & DAMA Calgary Present: “AI – Handle with Care” with Dr. Peter Aiken